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 Compliance with Rules

All persons now receiving water service from this municipal utility, or who may request service in the future, shall be considered as having agreed to be bound by the rules and regulations as filed with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, those of the Village of Kewaskum Municipal Code and listed herein.

 Water Leaks

Customers shall be billed based on water used, no adjustments will be made for water leaks for either the water usage or sewer usage portion of the billing.

 Sewer Backup

The property owner is responsible for maintaining adequate flow to and through the sewer lateral from the property structure to and into the municipal utility sewer main.  If a sewer backup occurs, a maintenance crew will be dispatched to your address to determine if the stoppage is in the municipal utility sewer main or the private sewer lateral.  If the municipal utility is found to be clear, it is the responsibility of the property owner to contact a plumber or sewer/drain cleaning service to correct the problem and repair any damages.  If the blockage is in the municipal utility sewer main, the maintenance crew will fix it as quickly as possible.

 Additional Meter Rental

If a customer requests the installation of an additional meter for clear water not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, or if a sewerage service customer who is not a customer of the water utility requests the installation of a meter to determine the volume of sewage discharged into the sanitary sewer system, the utility shall furnish and install this additional meter.  This rate applies to single-family residential and small commercial customers. At utility discretion, it may also be applied to other customers. An initial meter installation charge and rental fee shall be charged for the use of this meter and the posted rates shall apply.

 Bulk Water Sales

All bulk water supplied from the water system through hydrants or other connections shall be metered, or at the direction of the utility, estimated.  Utility personnel or a utility-approved party shall supervise the delivery of water.

Bulk water sales are:

  1. Water supplied by tank trucks or from hydrants for the purpose of extinguishing fires outside the utility’s immediate service area;
  2. Water supplied by tank trucks or from hydrants for purposes other than extinguishing fires, such as irrigation or the filling of swimming pools; or,
  3. Water supplied from hydrants or other temporary connections for general service type applications.
  4. Bulk water is sold at the posted rate per 1,000 gallons. A service charge, in addition to the volumetric charge, will be charged per tank filled at the posted rate.  Bulk water is billed quarterly and is due 30 days from date of invoice.  Failure to make payment will result in refusal of future service.

The water utility may require reasonable deposits for the temporary use of its equipment under this and other rate schedules.  The deposit(s) collected will be refunded upon return of the utility’s equipment.  Damaged or lost equipment will be repaired or replaced at the customer’s expense.

 Turning on Water

The water may only be turned on for a customer by an authorized employee of the municipal utility. Plumbers may turn the water on to test their work, but upon completion must leave the water turned off.

 Failure to Read Meters

Where the municipal utility is unable to read a meter, the fact will be plainly indicated on the bill, and either an estimated bill will be computed or the minimum charge applied. The difference shall be adjusted when the meter is again read, that is, the bill for the succeeding billing period will be computed with the gallons or cubic feet in each block of the rate schedule doubled, and credit will be given on that bill for the amount of the bill paid the preceding period. Only in unusual cases shall more than three consecutive estimated or minimum bills be rendered.

If the meter is damaged or fails to operate, the bill will be based on the average use during the past year, unless there is some reason why the use is not normal. If the average use cannot be properly determined, the bill will be estimated by some equitable method.

 Inspection of Premises

During reasonable hours, any officer or authorized employee of the municipal utility shall have the right of access to the premises supplied with service for the purpose of inspection or for the enforcement of the municipal utility's rules and regulations. Whenever appropriate, the municipal utility will make a systematic inspection of all unmetered water taps for the purpose of checking waste and unnecessary use of water.

 Vacation of Premises

When premises are to be vacated, the water utility shall be notified, in writing, at once, so that it may remove the meter and shut off the water supply at the curb stop. The owner of the premises shall be liable for any damage to the water utility's property.