Police Department
Chief’s Welcome
I would like to welcome you to the website for the Kewaskum Police Department; I am extremely honored to serve as the Village of Kewaskum’s sixth Police Chief. The members of the Kewaskum Police Department are dedicated to delivering excellent police service to those who live, work or play in our community.
The Kewaskum Police Department is comprised of eight full time officers, one administrative assistant, three school crossing guards and thirteen auxiliary officers. Our dedicated staff provides 24 hour coverage to the residents of Kewaskum.
I believe one of the most important aspects of policing is being actively involved in the community. Our department is involved in numerous events in our community as well as utilizing different mediums to reach out to our residents. This website is to serve as an extension of that belief. Here, I hope you find valuable information as well as continuing to build a connection with myself and our officers. I also urge you to check out our Facebook page for more information by following the link on this page.
If you would like to learn more please stop by and visit, or simply take a moment to say hello when you see us in the community.
Thomas F Bishop
P: 262-626-2323
F: 262-626-4909E: tbishop@village.kewaskum.wi.us