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 Application for Utility Account

Every customer, before obtaining service, must notify the Utility Clerk in writing at least three (3) business days prior to the date of occupancy.  Thus, providing for service at the rates enforced and shall be governed by the current policies and procedures of the utility department.

Written notices requesting service shall include the following information and may be completed online or e-mailed to

  • Account Name(s), including middle initial
  • Service Address
  • Mailing Address (if different)
  • e-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Effective Date

Failure to provide written notification, may result in disconnection of service.

 Account Updates

Any changes to the account, including name and mailing addresses, must be submitted to Village Administration Staff in writing. 

Written notices requesting service shall include the following information and may be completed online or e-mailed to

  • Account Name(s), including middle initial
  • Service Address
  • Mailing Address (if different)
  • e-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Effective Date

 This procedure does not include account closing.

 Account Closing

Every customer is responsible for notifying Village Administration Staff, online or by e-mailing, at least three (3) business days prior to the closing date, to close their account. 

Written notices requesting account closing shall include the following information:

  • Account Name(s)
  • Service Address
  • Mailing Address (if different)
  • e-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Effective Date
  • Indication whether a final read is requested on the effective date

 Homeowners Buying or Selling

Because the Kewaskum Municipal Utilities charges may become a lien on the property, a final read/billing is recommended at the closing.  Alternately, the title company or realtor may opt to prorate utility at closing; providing a credit to the new homeowners to be applied to the utility account.

To arrange for a final read/billing, the title company or realtor shall contact the Village Administration Staff with the required information no more than two (2) weeks prior to the closing and at least three (3) business days prior to the closing date.

 Landlords & Tenants

Landlords with rental properties with only one unit being fed by a single meter can choose to have the utility bill sent directly to the tenant in the tenant’s name, or they can keep the utility bill in their name and get reimbursed by the tenant in another way. 

If the municipal utility bill is in the tenant’s name, and they do not pay, utility past due balances will ultimately become the responsibility of the landlord/property owner.  The municipal utility bill is a lien against the property served by the utility.  This means that the property owner is responsible for all charges issued for the property.  If someone owns the parcel, they own the municipal utility bill charges that are attached to the parcel whether it is owner occupied or a rental.

Landlords shall be responsible to contact Village Administration staff, online or by e-mailing, notifying them of any changes in utility accounts (such as tenant changes), verify tenant payments are being made timely, and keep their own contact information current with the Utility Clerk so that they may be contacted in case of emergency and notified of any tenant account delinquencies.

The following information is required to request service changes:

  • e-Mail or mailing address to send Final Bill
  • Date of final read
  • Full name of new tenant(s), including middle initial – if none, service will be placed in Landlord’s name
  • Billing address of new tenant
  • Phone number of new tenant

 Denial of Service

Service may be refused to a customer when there remains an unpaid account for services previously provided.  The utility department shall not be required to provide service to an applicant who used an alias, trade name, business name or the name of a relative or other person as a device to escape payment of an unpaid obligation.  Utility service shall be denied or discontinued for any person, persons, groups, or business who have any delinquent account(s) and are a recipient, beneficiary, or consumer of a commodity, whether or not such account is under another name.

No person, persons, groups, or businesses can move from one location, with an unpaid bill, and have service connected in a new location.  If any person has a delinquent account, they shall be required to pay the bill in full.